The process was simple. They string a twisting steel "snake" 110 feet through the sewer line to the street. The result was a three foot long ball of tree roots removed within fifteen minutes. Water running. Problem solved.
So you're thinking -- what does the sewer cleaning story have to do with branding?
When I asked who the payment check should be made out to, he replied: "Cobra -- like the snake." Wow ... an instant, and permanent visual connection with the "snake" they used to clear the drain. The whole story was right there in the name. I don't remember his name, And I couldn't have recalled the his company name before he told connected it with the snake, but now I'll never forget it.
What's in a name? Could be everything. The important thing is that people make the connection with the name and what it offers.
Copyright 2008, Bremmer & Goris Communications, Inc.
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